domingo, 12 de abril de 2009

First one!

So in this one, i'm going to check out how it's going to be for the next one.

A new friend of mine has borrowed me "Modelo para armar" by Julio Cortazar. He's name is Pablo and we met at work. I don't know much about him, but one of the firts things we've talked has about books and so we agree to exchange some.
Anyway, I do know more about Cortazar's novels.
I've haven't got the chance before to read it, but since i've read other novels and short stories writed by him, i think it's going to be a good experience. I've always thought he's one of the most fantastic writers of all time. He's is in fact, so original and special, that you can be sure that he's going to surprise you with his stories.
My favorite one is "Historias de cronopios y famas"; it is, probably, the craziest thing i've ever read, filled with weird and yet beautiful images; able to move you and make you feel reflected on it even in scenes (i don't know how to say it better)that say nothing very clear.
I think its time to go to bed and start reading.