lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009

What to do and where to go in Santiago

If you are a foreigner who has arrived to our city, I think that you can do a lot of different things. First of all, I think that you could go on Sundays to walk along the Parque Forestal, especially if you have kids. There are playgrounds and activities like painting his o her faces animal o fairy-like. Then you could take them to eat a delicious ice-cream in Emporio La Rosa.
Nearby, there is the second must-to: you should definitely visit Parque Metropolitano in the Cerro San Cristobal. It is the classic family ride, and when you reach the top of the hill, especially if its winter and it rained the day before, you can enjoy a fantastic view of the city.
Now, to get familiar with the local culture you should go for the day to Pomaire. It’s located at the outskirts of the city and it’s a beautiful and small town that is very famous for his handcrafts and handmade pottery.
And then, you can go by car to the southeast zone of the metropolitan region to visit Pirque and San José de Maipo. These two rural like locations have many attractions like good restaurants, picnic zones and great pools. You can also do horse riding, kayak, rafting and trekking.
Finally, if you are into nightlife and bars you should go to Plaza Ñuñoa and drink the tasty handmade beer in HBH and eat a chorrillana (French fries, steak, fried onion and fried eggs) in Café Dante.

lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2009


I studied in the same school my whole life. So, everybody knew me and I knew everyone. It was a private school, but I had a scholarship which allowed me to stay in it times that I couldn’t afford to pay it.
During highs school I pretty much enjoyed most of the subjects. With the patient help of my teachers each year I achieved better scores than the year before. My all-time favorite subjects (with the respective teacher) were: History, Philosophy and Language.
Although my school was private (I’m saying it “was”, because the owners sold it in 2007) we haven’t had much technology. Or maybe what really happened was that the equipment and facilities were very limited compared to the ambitions of our teachers. But judging it from the present, I guess I didn’t need much material things for accomplish my goals.
I guess that the quality of my education, in terms of the how good and how dedicate were my teachers and the concern, the demand and love of my parents were determinants for me to set my aspirations.
I guess that to say that each one is responsable of his education its unfair. The whole system that organizes the education in our country is inequal, and the position of being privileged or not, is the main reason that i think, for the opportunties and the goals that one cant set in her life.