martes, 19 de mayo de 2009

My Career

I think that I decided anthropology because I thought it was a good way to combine all the interest and abilities that were important for me, in that moment, when I was 18 years old. Now, 3 years later I think that it is one of the best choices that I’ve take.
It has been very important for me to realize how much you can do if you are an anthropologist. It’s, in fact, a very open wide discipline, that allows you to do a lot very interesting work. I am personally interested in practical or applied anthropology, that its say, to use the theories that -with so much effort- we learn to resolve social problems. For instance, I’m really concerned about the relationship between education and cultural change, so I’m going to focus on books and authors that develop that subject and try to do something real with it.

The best in my area

To try to identify the best person in my area is hard for me because I can’t really decide. It depends on the day.
Today I think it could be Pierre Bourdieu. I really like him because his work goes beyond the classic (old fashion, but yet we still use it) distinction, in terms of their specific fields, between sociology and anthropology. Nowadays I think he’s the best, because he created a lot of usefull concepts and wrote interesting books in order to discuss one of the main subjects on social sciences: the tension between agency and structure. Also, he wrote very important ideas about gender and the male domination. He is also a relative contemporary author, so he was able to describe and to declare important subjects that are part of what we all are living nowadays. For anthropology he is important because he discussed with one of her main traditions: structuralism.


If I had to think of myself, 5 years from now, I had to say that I expect to be a good woman and good person. I will try my best to accomplish all the things that I’ve been planning on the last years of my life.
Personally I see myself living on my own, in my own house; but I hope I can buy a house next to my family, so I can hang out with my sister and take good care of my mom and dad. I’m really looking forward to be around them, no to be apart from them, because they mean a lot to me. I just love my family.
I hope I can be a good anthropologist, to do a lot of useful things to society and not only because of money. I hope I have the time to study and to apply what I learn to help solve some of the important and real issues that Chilean society has.