lunes, 17 de agosto de 2009

First Term: Good and Bad points

Now that I’m in the second term of this year I can look back and talk about it.
In first place, the relevant lectures I had were “Antropologia Económica I”, “Métodos Cualitativos” and “Antropología del Género”. Obviously I coursed a couple more but this were my favorite ones. In terms of the first one, I really enjoyed to learn about the economics discussions that many theorist have since the nineteen century and to understand how anthropology can contribute. I also did an applied investigation about micro business: I read a lot about the subject and analyzed in terms of “Game Theory” and wrote an article that made my very proud. Actually I’m going to publish it in student magazine.
Second of all, I decided to star jogging. I’m very interested in being an active person and I’ve tried a lot of activities. This year, for practical reasons, I bought a pair of run shoes and begin to run in my neighborhood. I’m running for about 40 minutes and I’m training to run 5 km.
Finally, this term was very stressful. I begin to work on March on weekends in a bakery shop, so it became a hard routine. Eventually I did not have the time to eat well, rest or sleep as much as I need it, so I ended exhausted. I had to quit before June, so I could finish the term without failing a lecture.
I hope i could do a better term this time.

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