lunes, 5 de octubre de 2009

Criminal Laws

I don’t really like to discuss this subject, it one of those topics that I always avoid.
Although, I think it’s not right to put capital punishment as a solution to reduce criminality. Criminality is a more complex social problem and, in my humble opinion, capital punishment merely could be a way to solve the situations with the convicts. But capital punishment is not an incentive to not commit a crime. I’m sure that people that commit crimes need to be seen as a part of more deep reality where the final punishment that you can recive it just one of the themes involved.
That is my general opinion. But if you push me, there are types of crimes that are harder for me to understand, for instance, rapers, pedophiles, and men murders of women.
In terms of reducing criminal rates on our city or even in our country, I think that the courts and the sentences should be more strict when the persons are reoffenders.
But, again, that ain't the main solution. I think that our society has to take responsability in the great inequalities that exist among social classes. There's a lot of frustration and insatisfaction within disadvantaged ones, mostly in terms of life chances.

Finally, yes, I have been a victim of crime. I'd been mugging twice and pick pocketing in three occasions.

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