lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009

Parents, Children and music tastes

I've always found amusing to think about very specific things about being a parent nowadays. I try to project myself into the future and guess how it would be like to be a mom. These questions begun when I found about the “Rockabye Baby” records: it was a collection of albums of classic and contemporary artists like Björk, Radiohead, The Beach Boys, The Beatles or Metallica, but made especially for little kids; that is to say that included their most popular song played with soft pianos, xylophones and strings that were completely amazing. I just fell in love with the idea of introducing to my offspring to the music I loved.
So, this article really caught my attention. The author discusses if it’s right or not to “cultivate” your son or daughter to the music you love. What I found interesting about his opinion is that even if in all generations, the older ones probably think that the younger people only bad or at least not-that-good stuff (especially on different art trends), maybe this generation is most auto conscious than the ones who came before. I think that his observation is actually, very accurate, because parents maybe are more concerned about trying to avoid their kids to consume the highly commercial musical trends and maybe they’re against on seeing the kids tastes as a marketing source; so it might reflect a cultural change that is remarkable subject to discuss.


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