lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2009

Piece of News

A piece of news that would like to talk about is the teacher’s mobilization. I am really concerned about the subject and I’d like to synthesize what I know about it.
The teachers, as a professional trade are demanding in general to the state a new pact between all the actors involved in the education in our country, but under the specific demand of the reparation of what they call “Historical Debt” owned to them, which is rooted in the legal changes the dictatorial government promoved.
It’s quite interesting to address that the propose a general change of our educational system, because they realize that improving the quality of it and the state intervention on the subjects It’s a way to deal with the enormous social disparities in Chile.
They have been on strike for about a month, discussing with the government and calling for several protests. This movement affects to our society in all their levels: in a local way, most of the municipal schools are closed and in some cases, the JUNAEB benefits for the students cannot be delivered and, at a greater scale, the SINCE test has not been applied and some people are worried about who this could affect the results of the PSU exam.

lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2009

Election Day

I decided to vote long time ago, when I was sixteen years old. Since then I was very worried about it, but I didn’t took part of my own decision until very recently, when I actually registered myself to vote. I went to Lo Espejo, accompanied with my stepfather, who is a communist. We register together in that district to vote for the communist candidate that is running for this current election.
I don’t agree with the way that our politicians do their campaigns. The spend a lot of money that could be used in more useful or important issues and they also contribute with the pollution in our streets.
I’m sure that they should participate mostly in local spaces and make themselves known in their own and concrete action, rather than spend money and time on doing campaigns.
I think that our political agents shouldn’t be reduced to the electoral o traditional “politician” idea. I’m really concerned with another, and more complex issue: the need to create a real commitment and dedication about our social reality in the common people.

lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009

Parents, Children and music tastes

I've always found amusing to think about very specific things about being a parent nowadays. I try to project myself into the future and guess how it would be like to be a mom. These questions begun when I found about the “Rockabye Baby” records: it was a collection of albums of classic and contemporary artists like Björk, Radiohead, The Beach Boys, The Beatles or Metallica, but made especially for little kids; that is to say that included their most popular song played with soft pianos, xylophones and strings that were completely amazing. I just fell in love with the idea of introducing to my offspring to the music I loved.
So, this article really caught my attention. The author discusses if it’s right or not to “cultivate” your son or daughter to the music you love. What I found interesting about his opinion is that even if in all generations, the older ones probably think that the younger people only bad or at least not-that-good stuff (especially on different art trends), maybe this generation is most auto conscious than the ones who came before. I think that his observation is actually, very accurate, because parents maybe are more concerned about trying to avoid their kids to consume the highly commercial musical trends and maybe they’re against on seeing the kids tastes as a marketing source; so it might reflect a cultural change that is remarkable subject to discuss.


lunes, 5 de octubre de 2009

Criminal Laws

I don’t really like to discuss this subject, it one of those topics that I always avoid.
Although, I think it’s not right to put capital punishment as a solution to reduce criminality. Criminality is a more complex social problem and, in my humble opinion, capital punishment merely could be a way to solve the situations with the convicts. But capital punishment is not an incentive to not commit a crime. I’m sure that people that commit crimes need to be seen as a part of more deep reality where the final punishment that you can recive it just one of the themes involved.
That is my general opinion. But if you push me, there are types of crimes that are harder for me to understand, for instance, rapers, pedophiles, and men murders of women.
In terms of reducing criminal rates on our city or even in our country, I think that the courts and the sentences should be more strict when the persons are reoffenders.
But, again, that ain't the main solution. I think that our society has to take responsability in the great inequalities that exist among social classes. There's a lot of frustration and insatisfaction within disadvantaged ones, mostly in terms of life chances.

Finally, yes, I have been a victim of crime. I'd been mugging twice and pick pocketing in three occasions.

lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009

What to do and where to go in Santiago

If you are a foreigner who has arrived to our city, I think that you can do a lot of different things. First of all, I think that you could go on Sundays to walk along the Parque Forestal, especially if you have kids. There are playgrounds and activities like painting his o her faces animal o fairy-like. Then you could take them to eat a delicious ice-cream in Emporio La Rosa.
Nearby, there is the second must-to: you should definitely visit Parque Metropolitano in the Cerro San Cristobal. It is the classic family ride, and when you reach the top of the hill, especially if its winter and it rained the day before, you can enjoy a fantastic view of the city.
Now, to get familiar with the local culture you should go for the day to Pomaire. It’s located at the outskirts of the city and it’s a beautiful and small town that is very famous for his handcrafts and handmade pottery.
And then, you can go by car to the southeast zone of the metropolitan region to visit Pirque and San José de Maipo. These two rural like locations have many attractions like good restaurants, picnic zones and great pools. You can also do horse riding, kayak, rafting and trekking.
Finally, if you are into nightlife and bars you should go to Plaza Ñuñoa and drink the tasty handmade beer in HBH and eat a chorrillana (French fries, steak, fried onion and fried eggs) in Café Dante.

lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2009


I studied in the same school my whole life. So, everybody knew me and I knew everyone. It was a private school, but I had a scholarship which allowed me to stay in it times that I couldn’t afford to pay it.
During highs school I pretty much enjoyed most of the subjects. With the patient help of my teachers each year I achieved better scores than the year before. My all-time favorite subjects (with the respective teacher) were: History, Philosophy and Language.
Although my school was private (I’m saying it “was”, because the owners sold it in 2007) we haven’t had much technology. Or maybe what really happened was that the equipment and facilities were very limited compared to the ambitions of our teachers. But judging it from the present, I guess I didn’t need much material things for accomplish my goals.
I guess that the quality of my education, in terms of the how good and how dedicate were my teachers and the concern, the demand and love of my parents were determinants for me to set my aspirations.
I guess that to say that each one is responsable of his education its unfair. The whole system that organizes the education in our country is inequal, and the position of being privileged or not, is the main reason that i think, for the opportunties and the goals that one cant set in her life.

lunes, 17 de agosto de 2009

First Term: Good and Bad points

Now that I’m in the second term of this year I can look back and talk about it.
In first place, the relevant lectures I had were “Antropologia Económica I”, “Métodos Cualitativos” and “Antropología del Género”. Obviously I coursed a couple more but this were my favorite ones. In terms of the first one, I really enjoyed to learn about the economics discussions that many theorist have since the nineteen century and to understand how anthropology can contribute. I also did an applied investigation about micro business: I read a lot about the subject and analyzed in terms of “Game Theory” and wrote an article that made my very proud. Actually I’m going to publish it in student magazine.
Second of all, I decided to star jogging. I’m very interested in being an active person and I’ve tried a lot of activities. This year, for practical reasons, I bought a pair of run shoes and begin to run in my neighborhood. I’m running for about 40 minutes and I’m training to run 5 km.
Finally, this term was very stressful. I begin to work on March on weekends in a bakery shop, so it became a hard routine. Eventually I did not have the time to eat well, rest or sleep as much as I need it, so I ended exhausted. I had to quit before June, so I could finish the term without failing a lecture.
I hope i could do a better term this time.


From now on, this blog is for English IV!

lunes, 15 de junio de 2009

Piece of thech that i love!

The ultimate favorite piece of technology of my life it is the portable musical and video player. I bought it a month ago with some of the money I’ve been saving from the monthly pay I’m receiving for my work on a bakery shop.

I use it every that, almost all day long. I just can’t rid of it. It has 8gb for storage, so you can figure out how much music you can put it. Before I own this, I had –for like three years- a Sony mp3 player with 1 gb. So when I got this… I just went nuts: my musical selection sorts from Miles Davis, Led Zep, Fito Paez to Spice Girls and Calle 13. I can explain how much I love it, it’s so small, soft and delicate, that I will keep it for many years I hope.

Life would be very sad if I lose it. I worked very hard to buy it, so I just wish I can enjoy as much is want to.

Ideal Job

My perfect or ideal job has to be related to anthropology. I wish I could work on jobs that have a relationship with social sciences from the beginning of my career. I am really looking forward to be able to accomplish this wish.

But, to be more precise I had to say that I expect a job to be very flexible and interesting job. More exactly I preferred it to be related with educational intervention, like the work that some ONG’s linked to CEPAL do. I dream I travel the whole country, visiting rural, poor and intercultural schools.

To do a job like this you need to be a sociable person and to be able to emphathize with people. Be a good listener and a good investigator.

I think I can be very good at this kind of job, because it like what I’ve always wanted to do, so I will try my best to be good at it and I will do every effort that it is necessary for it.

I think that it is not so difficult to find it, but it is not very easy either. I think you need to start working on a organization related to education and then, create a project or join in one and then… just, be good at it.

lunes, 1 de junio de 2009

My favorite subject

This term my favorite subject is “Metodos Cualitativos I”. It’s one of the methological subjects that where available for me this semester.

It’s taught by Jose Isla, and we have it on Fridays.

I wasn’t expected to like it so much is I do. When it first started, I don’t know how to explain it, I mean, I just did not imagine I could enjoy this course so much.

In classes we are in a small room, with no more than 15 classmates. And really, I don’t even like Mr. Isla all that much, but he gives us very interesting readings on what is suppose to be the social investigation, written by authors that discuss the same questions that I have in my mind about it.

We have to do two practical works – I mean two investigations with two different methods, and also, learn how to use professional software for the analysis of the data. I only can say that I’m very proud of what I’ve learn so far on this subject.

martes, 19 de mayo de 2009

My Career

I think that I decided anthropology because I thought it was a good way to combine all the interest and abilities that were important for me, in that moment, when I was 18 years old. Now, 3 years later I think that it is one of the best choices that I’ve take.
It has been very important for me to realize how much you can do if you are an anthropologist. It’s, in fact, a very open wide discipline, that allows you to do a lot very interesting work. I am personally interested in practical or applied anthropology, that its say, to use the theories that -with so much effort- we learn to resolve social problems. For instance, I’m really concerned about the relationship between education and cultural change, so I’m going to focus on books and authors that develop that subject and try to do something real with it.

The best in my area

To try to identify the best person in my area is hard for me because I can’t really decide. It depends on the day.
Today I think it could be Pierre Bourdieu. I really like him because his work goes beyond the classic (old fashion, but yet we still use it) distinction, in terms of their specific fields, between sociology and anthropology. Nowadays I think he’s the best, because he created a lot of usefull concepts and wrote interesting books in order to discuss one of the main subjects on social sciences: the tension between agency and structure. Also, he wrote very important ideas about gender and the male domination. He is also a relative contemporary author, so he was able to describe and to declare important subjects that are part of what we all are living nowadays. For anthropology he is important because he discussed with one of her main traditions: structuralism.


If I had to think of myself, 5 years from now, I had to say that I expect to be a good woman and good person. I will try my best to accomplish all the things that I’ve been planning on the last years of my life.
Personally I see myself living on my own, in my own house; but I hope I can buy a house next to my family, so I can hang out with my sister and take good care of my mom and dad. I’m really looking forward to be around them, no to be apart from them, because they mean a lot to me. I just love my family.
I hope I can be a good anthropologist, to do a lot of useful things to society and not only because of money. I hope I have the time to study and to apply what I learn to help solve some of the important and real issues that Chilean society has.

domingo, 12 de abril de 2009

First one!

So in this one, i'm going to check out how it's going to be for the next one.

A new friend of mine has borrowed me "Modelo para armar" by Julio Cortazar. He's name is Pablo and we met at work. I don't know much about him, but one of the firts things we've talked has about books and so we agree to exchange some.
Anyway, I do know more about Cortazar's novels.
I've haven't got the chance before to read it, but since i've read other novels and short stories writed by him, i think it's going to be a good experience. I've always thought he's one of the most fantastic writers of all time. He's is in fact, so original and special, that you can be sure that he's going to surprise you with his stories.
My favorite one is "Historias de cronopios y famas"; it is, probably, the craziest thing i've ever read, filled with weird and yet beautiful images; able to move you and make you feel reflected on it even in scenes (i don't know how to say it better)that say nothing very clear.
I think its time to go to bed and start reading.